Soap bubbles against coronavirus in Uganda too !

The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative is sparking interest in other African nations as well. Indeed a group of young Ugandan decided to come together and create a group of volunteers to be able to bring their help to orphanages, to children and to anyone who is vulnerable in Uganda. These young Ugandans have thus begun to organize themselves and exchange information and experiences with the team in Sierra Leone. Thanks to this commitment, they managed to register their association “R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable” with the Ugandan authorities, and will soon be able to bring their help to those most in need. The willingness to commit for their people, their organizational capacities, their ownership of the initiative is really exciting.


R-Evolution Sierra Leone

R-Evolution Worldwide Sierra Leone is a Local Voluntary Organization of Sierra Leoneans established to help and support vulnerable children, youth, women and communities to build a brighter future in changing lives for sustainable development. The regulatory process of accreditation to the Ministry  and national authorities has been completed and this community based organization is starting its activities.

EXCO2019, the first and only global expo dedicated to the players active in the field of development cooperation

R-Evolution Worldwide Community Interest Company joined in EXCO2019, the first and only global expo dedicated to the innovative solutions provided by the actors of development cooperation: national and international agencies, governments, financial institutions, civil society and in particular, the private sector.

During EXCO2019, the players active in the field and those willing to enter development cooperation, had the possibility to meet financial Institutions, Government representatives, development agencies and international organizations, in order to engage in new business relationships aimed at creating partnerships to find solutions for sustainable development.

EuropeAid, from EU – a major financial resource for overseas humanitarian projects

Directorate General Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid was formed on 1 January 2011 following the merger of the EuropeAid Cooperation Office (AIDCO) with the Directorate General for Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific – ACP – States (DEV).

EuropeAid focused on maximising the value and impact of aid funding by making sure support provided in a manner which complies with EU development objectives and the United Nations‘ Millennium Development Goals in a speedy and accountable fashion. Effective implementation and delivery of aid also helps the Commission and the EU as a whole to attain a higher profile on the world stage. The European Union is the world’s largest aid donor.

The Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world. Its mission is to help reduce and ultimately eradicate poverty in developing countries through the promotion of sustainable development, democracy, peace and security.

It works on policy formulation at a global and sectoral level. The main intervention areas covered are: Trade and regional integration, Environment and the sustainable management of natural resources, Infrastructure, communications and transport, Water and energy, Rural development, Governance, democracy and human rights, Peace and security, Human development, Social cohesion and employment.

Directorate-General awards grants and contracts to implement projects or activities that relate to the European Union’s external aid programmes. To ensure that EuropeAid’s work to improve people’s lives is recognised, a set of visibility guidelines have been produced. These guidelines ensure that aid projects acknowledge the funding support they receive from Commission budgets. They also help to raise the general profile of the EU across the world.

Grants are direct financial contributions provided to organisations, or to projects carried out by them. Most of the time, the Commission attributes them through calls for proposals.

Contracts are awarded through tendering procedures to purchase services, supplies or works.

Both contracts and grants are awarded for activities contributing to specific development goals.

Development aid is financed directly by the EU budget (70%) as part of the financial instruments for external action and also by the European Development Fund (EDF).

R-Evolution Worldwide – Sierra Leone, a new local Community Based Organization

R-Evolution Worldwide – Sierra Leone is starting to operate in the Western Area Urban and Rural District of Freetown, Sierra Leone.

R-Evolution Worldwide – Sierra Leone is local community-based organization, registered to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s affairs (MSWGCA), the local council and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS).

R-Evolution Worldwide – Sierra Leone is established by a group of Sierra Leoneans who will be advocating on the following areas:
·         Early Marriage
·         Teenage Pregnancy
·         Child Labour
·         Sexual Offence
·         Child Healthcare
·         Hygiene and Sanitation
·         Food Education
·         Prevention of Youth Migration, awareness raising and information campaigns on the risk of irregular migration.

The organization is created as an independent non-profit organisation (local Community Based Organisation – CBO) with strict political and religious neutrality, with a particular respect for the principle of non-discrimination based on race, ethnic, political and religious orientation.