NeuroSolve project obtained the Clinical Trial Ethical Approval in Zambia too!

After receiving the ethical approval in Tanzania, NeuroSolve obtained the ethical clearance in Zambia too. The ethical clearance certificate will allow to conduct medical research on Neurocysticercosis also in Zambia.

NeuroSolve is a four-year project funded by the European Commission and EDCTP3, started on May 1, 2023. The African Institutions involved are: University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), University of Zambia (Zambia); the European Institutions are: Universiteit Ghent (Belgium) and R-Evolution Worldwide Srl – Impresa Sociale (Italy), that is also the project Coordinator. NeuroSolve is committed to fight taeniasis/Neurocysticercosis (NCC) disease in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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