The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative arrived at the Children’s Redemption Orphanage Home, Sierra Leone

The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative arrived at the Children’s Redemption Orphanage Home, located in Matainkay Village, near Waterloo (rural area of Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone), where, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as covid-19, the children were provided with everything needed to wash their hands properly, including the most obvious items but often also the least present.
This orphanage was founded by Frank Williams. Frank, orphaned himself, was forced to leave his native Liberia because of the civil wars of the ’90s. Refugee in Sierra Leone, Frank started helping other children who were left alone like him because of the wars, and over time he succesfully build the Children’s Redemption Orphanage Home.

L’iniziativa “Bolle di sapone contro il coronavirus” è arrivata al Children’s Redemption Orphanage Home situato a Matainkay Village, vicino Waterloo, (zona rurale di Freetown, capitale della Sierra Leone), dove il team di volontari locali, al fine di prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive come il covid-19, ha fornito ai bambini in questo orfanotrofio tutto il necessario per lavarsi le mani correttamente, compreso il più ovvio ma spesso anche il meno presente.
L’orfanotrofio è stato fondato da Frank Williams. Frank, rimasto orfano lui stesso, fu costretto a scappare dalla sua natia Liberia a causa delle guerre civili degli anni ’90. Rifugiatosi in Sierra Leone, Frank iniziò ad aiutare altri bambini che erano rimasti soli come lui a causa delle guerre, e con il tempo riuscì a costruire il Children’s Redemption Orphanage Home.

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