The “Soap bubbles against Coronavirus” initiative reached the “Love Uganda Foundation” home for orphans and street children, in Kalagi, Mukono district – Kampala (Uganda)

An estimated 1.8 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, the two leading causes of death of young children worldwide. Washing hands with soap can protect about 1 child in 3 suffering from diarrhea and nearly 1 in 5 children with respiratory infections such as pneumonia.
Based on this, the “Soap bubbles against Coronavirus” initiative reached the “Love Uganda Foundation” home for orphans and street children, in Kalagi, Mukono district – Kampala (Uganda).
The Love Uganda Foundation was established in 2012 to protect children orphaned or abandoned because of AIDS and poverty, and reintroduce them in their family or social contexts. The founder was Emmanuel Kitumba McMillan, himself grew between misery and difficulties.
The team of young Ugandan women and men of R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable was very warmly welcomed by the children and young people hosted here, thus giving the opportunity to share with them how to wash their hands in a practical and effective way according to the guidelines from the Ministry of Health and WHO, in order to reduce the spread of many preventable infectious diseases with proper hygiene, including, but not limited to, the coronavirus.
The team has distributed everything needed to wash and sanitize hands properly, including what may seem the most obvious but are often the least available. He was also able to distribute food, clothes and much more thanks to all who offered donations of all kinds

R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable with its team of young Ugandan women and men visited the Muslim Children Orphanage Home in Nansana (Kampala, Uganda)

R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable with its team of young Ugandan women and men visited the Muslim Children Orphanage Home in Nansana (Kampala, Uganda). From years this orphanage is lovingly caring for abandoned children, promoting their reunification with their parents and their families, and in the meantime providing for their growth, education and instruction.
The “Soap bubbles against Coronavirus” initiative was once again warmly welcomed, thus giving the opportunity to share with children how to wash their hands in a practical and effective way, in order to reduce the spread of the many infectious diseases preventable with proper hygiene, including, but not limited to, the coronavirus.
In fact, an estimated 1.8 million children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, the two leading killers of young children worldwide. Washing hands with soap can protect about 1 in 3 children who get diarrhea and nearly 1 in 5 children with respiratory infections such as pneumonia.
The team has distributed everything you need to wash and sanitize your hands properly, including what may seem the most obvious but often the least available

R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable team reached the New Midland Islamic Orphanage Home, in Kawempe-Luweero (Kampala, Uganda).

The R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable team of young Ugandan women and men has reached the New Midland Islamic Orphanage Home, in Kawempe-Luweero (Kampala, Uganda). Since 2001 this orphanage is also a school, which goes from kindergarten to primary, founded with the aim of helping orphans with education.
The “Soap bubbles against Coronavirus” initiative was warmly welcomed in this orphanage, thus giving the opportunity to share with children how to wash their hands in a practical and effective way, in order to reduce the spread of the many infectious diseases preventable with proper hygiene, including, but not limited to, the coronavirus.
The team has distributed everything needed to wash and sanitize hands properly, including what may seem the most obvious but are often the least available. The team was also able to distribute food and much more thanks to all those who offered donations of all kinds

The Ugandan Team visited the Sanyu Babies’ Home orphanage in Kampala (Uganda)

With its team of young Ugandan women and men, R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable visited the Sanyu Babies’ Home orphanage in Kampala (Uganda), from over 90 years lovingly caring for babies and children, reintegrating them into the community, reuniting them with their families, or adopting them (
The “Soap bubbles against Coronavirus” initiative was welcomed with joy in this orphanage, thus giving the opportunity to share with children how to wash their hands in a practical and effective way, in order to reduce the spread of infectious diseases that are deadly here , including, but not limited to, the coronavirus.
The team has distributed everything needed to wash and sanitize hands properly, including what may seem the most obvious but are often the least available. They managed also to distribute clothes and much more thanks to all those who offered donations of all kinds

Preparations are underway to start the “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative also in Uganda

Preparations are underway to start the “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative also in Uganda.
The wonderful team of Ugandan youths from R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable will visit the orphanages to give both explanations and also everything needed to wash hands properly, including what may seem the most obvious but is often the least available. (facilities for pedal hand washing, liquid soap and disinfectant), in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as covid-19 among the staff and children housed in these facilities.

Soap bubbles against coronavirus in Uganda too !

The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative is sparking interest in other African nations as well. Indeed a group of young Ugandan decided to come together and create a group of volunteers to be able to bring their help to orphanages, to children and to anyone who is vulnerable in Uganda. These young Ugandans have thus begun to organize themselves and exchange information and experiences with the team in Sierra Leone. Thanks to this commitment, they managed to register their association “R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable” with the Ugandan authorities, and will soon be able to bring their help to those most in need. The willingness to commit for their people, their organizational capacities, their ownership of the initiative is really exciting.


The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative arrived at Komra Golden Kids Home, Sierra Leone

The initiative “Soap bubble against Coronavirus” arrived at Komra Golden Kids Home, at York Road in Waterloo, in the rural area of Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as covid-19 between the children of this orphanage, the team of young volunteers of R-Evolution provided training and everything needed to wash hands properly, including the most obvious but often also the least available.

The intervention has been conducted with the relevant Sierra Leone’s Ministry (MSWGCA).

The home was established in 2007 by Emma Kamara. Madam Emma is already mother of many children, but she always wanted to care and help other children as it is in the culture of Sierra Leone a family can give birth to a child but it takes the whole community or village to raise the child as it every one’s responsibility to care for each other’s children.


L’iniziativa “Bolla di sapone contro il Coronavirus” è arrivata al Komra Golden Kids Home, presso York Road a Waterloo, nella zona rurale di Freetown, capitale della Sierra Leone.

Il team di giovani volontari di R-Evolution ha fornito sia le spiegazioni che tutto il necessario per lavarsi le mani correttamente, incluso ciò che può sembrare il più ovvio ma che spesso è anche il meno disponibile, per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive come il covid-19 tra i bambini di questo orfanotrofio. L’intervento è stato condotto con il competente Ministero della Sierra Leone (MSWGCA).

L’orfanotrofio è stata fondata nel 2007 da Emma Kamara. La signora Emma è già madre di molti bambini, ma ha sempre voluto prendersi cura e aiutare gli altri bambini in quanto è nella cultura della Sierra Leone che una famiglia può dare alla luce un bambino ma ci vuole l’intera comunità o villaggio per crescere il bambino così come è la responsabilità di ognuno di prendersi cura dei figli degli altri.

The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative arrived at Savior of the World Children’s Home, Sierra Leone

The initiative “Soap bubble against Coronavirus” arrived at Savior of the World Children’s Home, at Fire Mambo in Waterloo, in the rural area of Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as covid-19 between the children of this orphanage, the team of young volunteers of R-Evolution provided training and everything needed to wash hands properly, including the most obvious but often also the least available. The intervention has been conducted with the relevant Sierra Leone’s Ministry (MSWGCA).

The orphanage was founded in 2000 by sisters Sankoh, who, having survived from the atrocities of the decade-long civil war in Sierra Leone, began to take care of war orphans and abandoned children in the streets in the following years.

L’iniziativa “Bolla di sapone contro il Coronavirus” è arrivata Savior of the World Children’s Home, presso Fire Mambo, a Waterloo, nella zona rurale di Freetown, capitale della Sierra Leone.

Il team di giovani volontari di R-Evolution ha fornito tutto sia le spiegazioni che tutto il necessario per lavarsi le mani correttamente, incluso ciò che può sembrare il più ovvio ma che spesso è anche il meno disponibile, per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive come il covid-19 tra i bambini di questo orfanotrofio. L’intervento è stato condotto con il competente Ministero della Sierra Leone (MSWGCA).

L’orfanotrofio è stato fondato negli anni 2000 dalle sorelle Sankoh, che, salvatesi dalle atrocità della decennale guerra civile in Sierra Leone, iniziarono ad occuparsi degli orfani della guerra e dei bambini abbandonati nelle strade negli anni seguenti.

The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative arrived at the Fountain of Hope Children’s Home, Sierra Leone

The initiative “Soap bubble against Coronavirus” arrived at Fountain of Hope Children’s Home, at Atagbeh town in Waterloo, in the rural area of Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone.
The team of young volunteers of R-Evolution provided with training and everything needed to wash hands properly, including the most obvious but often also the least available, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as covid-19 between the children of this orphanage.
The Fountain of Hope Children’s Home orphanage was built by Pastor Obi in 2006 to provide a safe home for abandoned and often abused children, and to provide for their growth, education, family reunification where possible, and inclusion in society.
L’iniziativa “Bolla di sapone contro il Coronavirus” è arrivata all’orfanotrofio Fountain of Hope Children’s Home, a Atagbeh town in Waterloo, nella zona rurale di Freetown, capitale della Sierra Leone.
Il team di giovani volontari di R-Evolution ha fornito tutto sia le spiegazioni che tutto il necessario per lavarsi le mani correttamente, incluso ciò che può sembrare il più ovvio ma che spesso è anche il meno disponibile, per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive come il covid-19 tra i bambini di questo orfanotrofio.
L’orfanotrofio Fountain of Hope Children’s Home è stato costruito dal pastore Obi nel 2006 per fornire una casa sicura ai bambini abbandonati e spesso abusati, e provvedere alla loro crescita, educazione, ricongiungimento familiare dove possibile, ed inserimento nella società.

The “Soap bubbles against coronavirus” initiative arrived at the Mercy Children’s Orphange and bakery, Sierra Leone

The initiative “Soap bubble against Coronavirus” arrived at Mercy Children’s Orphange and bakery, at New London in Waterloo, in the rural area of Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone.
The team of young volunteers of R-Evolution Sierra Leone provided with everything needed to wash hands properly, including the most obvious but often also the least available, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as covid-19 between the children of this orphanage.
The vision towards the establishment of Mercy Children’s Orphanage children came about during the years of international humanitarian work the founder and coordinator, Emmanuel Sajor Shaw. Emmanuel had a dream of opening an orphanage and caring for children in his native Sierra Leone, and in 2005 the doors of the home were opened to different categories of children ranging from: abandoned children, street connected children, abused children and children separated or unaccompanied.
Important for the self-sustainability for this orphanage was the envision to add the business of a bakery, animal farm and a poultry farm to raise resources for running the home.

L’iniziativa “Bolla di sapone contro il Coronavirus” è arrivata al Mercy Children’s Orphange e panificio, a New London in Waterloo, nella zona rurale di Freetown, capitale della Sierra Leone.
Il team di giovani volontari di R-Evolution Sierra Leone ha fornito tutto il necessario per lavarsi le mani correttamente, incluso ciò che può sembrare il più ovvio ma che spesso è anche il meno disponibile, per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive come il covid-19 tra i bambini di questo orfanotrofio.
Il desiderio di costruire il Mercy Children’s Orphange è nato durante gli anni di lavoro umanitario internazionale del fondatore e coordinatore, Emmanuel Sajor Shaw. Infatti Emmanuel sognava di aprire un orfanotrofio e di prendersi cura dei bambini nella sua nativa Sierra Leone, e nel 2005 le porte della casa sono state aperte a diverse categorie di bambini che vanno da: bambini abbandonati, bambini di strada, bambini maltrattati e bambini separati o non accompagnati.
Importante per l’autosostenibilità di questo orfanotrofio è stata l’iniziativa di aggiungere l’attività di panetteria, un piccolo allevamento per animali e pollame, per raccogliere risorse per gestire la casa.