The Ugandan Team visited the Sanyu Babies’ Home orphanage in Kampala (Uganda)

With its team of young Ugandan women and men, R-Evolution for the Children and Vulnerable visited the Sanyu Babies’ Home orphanage in Kampala (Uganda), from over 90 years lovingly caring for babies and children, reintegrating them into the community, reuniting them with their families, or adopting them (
The “Soap bubbles against Coronavirus” initiative was welcomed with joy in this orphanage, thus giving the opportunity to share with children how to wash their hands in a practical and effective way, in order to reduce the spread of infectious diseases that are deadly here , including, but not limited to, the coronavirus.
The team has distributed everything needed to wash and sanitize hands properly, including what may seem the most obvious but are often the least available. They managed also to distribute clothes and much more thanks to all those who offered donations of all kindsĀ

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